
We strive hard to ensure a good online shopping experience for you in terms of range, prices and delivery. We understand that there could be situations where you might want to return your purchase and we will readily facilitate the same as explained below.

Our “Easy Returns” policy covers:

  1. Products which you received in “Damaged/Defective/Broken” condition.
  2. Products not as per description/photo on the website (if not otherwise mentioned)
  3. Delivered beyond 15 business days.
  4. Wrongly Ordered Size, Color or Product.

Please drop a Return Request (under above mentioned terms only) through mail on
Return Request should be made within 2 days of receipt of the product. Return Requests registered after 2 days of delivery may not be entertained.
Request made would be approved only after checking with the concerned department and the same would be communicated to you over email/call.

How do I return an item purchased on White Tech?

We try our best to offer you a hassle-free return experience. Please ensure that the product is in unused and in original condition. Include everything from the package you’ve received including price tags, labels, original packing, freebies and accessories.

To return a product, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Click a picture if you find the product broken or packaging tampered.
  2. Place your Return Request online through mail on while specifying the reason for return.
  3. We will arrange a reverse pickup from the delivery location and send you a confirmation mail for same.
  4. In case our courier service partner does not cover your location for reverse pickup you will be informed by email. In such a scenario you will self ship the order to our warehouse and will be reimbursed with an eCredit of Rs 200 upon receipt of the product.
  5. An eCredit of product value will be credited to your account, within 24 hours of receipt of package.
  6. You can use the eCredit to place a repeat order of the same product or use it for future shopping upto 6 months.

What precautions should I take before shipping the return parcel?

Once you have raised a Return Request,

  1. Ensure that product is in unused and original condition
  2. Include all price tags, labels, original packing and invoice along with the product
  3. Pack the item safely to safeguard against damage in transit
  4. Mention the Return ID on the package so that we can acknowledge your return
  5. Note down the courier tracking id for any future reference

Can I get cash back for returned items?

Sorry, we are unable to entertain you cash back request. However, we give you an eCredit of the returned product value which can be used for future shopping a

Who will bear the postal charges for goods returned?

Pickups are done free of cost for all returns due to Damaged/Defective/Broken/Late/Wrong deliveries. However minimum of Rs. 200/- (or as actual) is deducted for pickups if the product is returned due to size, color or personal choice.

Will the pickup be done on a day of my choice?

Sorry, Our courier company does not accept pickup date requests. Upon receiving the return request, we ensure that pickup is arranged at the earliest.

You are not providing me reverse pickup. What should I do?

Sorry. Our courier partner does not have a reverse pickup facility in your area. In the rare scenario where a pickup cannot be done in certain areas, you can ship the product to our warehouse through any other courier. You will be reimbursed Rs.200 as E-credit for future shopping on

Can I get the product replaced instead of returning?

To facilitate the replacement, we allow you to return the product and give you an eCredit of product’s value so that you can again place the order. Repurchase of the product is subject to availability of stock.

I bought an item from your website. But this is not what I want. Can I give it back?

Yes, you can. You must raise a return request within 2 days of receipt of the order. Once the request has been validated by our team, we will deduct minimum Rs. 200 (or as actual) towards the cost of shipping and give you an E-credit of the balance value. The eCredit can be used for future shopping at within 6 months. Please make sure that the returned item(s) is/are in an unused state along with all the product tags and labels intact.

It took more than 15 days for the product to reach me. I want to return the product.

We’re sorry it took so long for your order to reach you. If you still wish to return your purchase, please do not open the seal. We will take it back as per our Easy Return Policy.

But I opened the seal. Will you take it back?

We will take back a purchase as long as it is not used.

How to claim the Warranty/Guarantee of the Product?

Being the resellers of brand, we don’t facilitate the claims against warranty. So the customer has to contact the brand company itself for availalling the warranty services.

When are returns not possible?

There are certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns

Return request is made outside the specified time frame

Product is damaged because of use or Product is not in the same condition as you received it

Defective products which are covered under the manufacturer’s warranty

Items on clearance or offered on a discount of 25% and above will be considered to be final sale items

Products with tampered or missing serial numbers

Anything missing from the package you’ve received including price tags, labels, original packing, freebies and accessories

Fragile items, hygiene related items

Can I return part of my order?

Yes, a return can be created at item level and if you have ordered multiple items, you can initiate a return for a partial quantity.

How do I cancel an order?

You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. You will receive full E-credit for the same amount from You can use this E-credit upto 6 months for future shopping on

In case the item you have ordered has been shipped you can follow our easy return steps to send it back.


  • At the time of raising a request for return or cancelling of the Products on the White tech Platform, you may seek refund for the Non-Compliant Product. Such a refund will be made to you only in the event the payment has been received by us for the Products.
  • Please be informed that when you opt to cancel or return the Products, upon the returned Products reaching our warehouse and our verification and assessment of the Products and the documents relating thereto, the refund amount for such Products which are eligible for return as per the terms of this Policy, will be processed within a period of 5 (five) business day from the date of us verifying the defect or the non-compliance in the Product. Your refund will be processed only when the conditions as may be stipulated by us in this Policy are fulfilled, including but not limited to the Product being returned is in original condition without any defect or damage, along with the price tag intact including original packaging of the Product, the brand outer packaging of the Product and all accessories therein. For the sake of abundant clarity, it is clarified that we shall not make any refund in respect of a Product that is deemed ineligible for a refund based on our verification and assessment. Once the returned Products reaches our warehouse and our verification and assessment of the Products and the documents relating thereto are duly conducted and the Products are found to be Non-compliant Products, then the refund amount will be credited to your original payment mode except if the payment has been made by cash then the refund shall be made in the form of coupon on white tech Platform. You acknowledge that after initiation of refund and the same being duly assessed and verified from our end in accordance with the terms contained in this Policy, it may take 3 (three) to 7 (seven) business days for your refund to reflect in your account which is also subject to your financial institution or payment solution provider terms and conditions.
  • We do not make any cash refunds. However, if the refund does not happen by the date advised, you may contact us, and we will gladly help you. Alternatively, at your option, the said amount will be credited as Coupon on white tech Platform which can be used for your subsequent purchases on the white tech Platform.
  • Refund for returns generated without acceptance of delivery shall be made to the User and shall not include any amount paid towards shipping charges or any other such charges applicable from time to time. However, in the event a Product has been delivered with a defect or damage (for reasons attributable to, and accepted by us after due verification at its sole discretion) we may refund the shipping charges to you.
  • We reserve the right to reject a refund request for a Product if it does not satisfy the quality conditions specified under this Policy on our assessment pursuant to its return. We may in such cases notify you and send the returned Product back without initiating a refund.
  • If your booked order is returned due to non-payment of balance amount as per order, we will be charging the shipping cost before refund of advance amount paid. On repetition of returns due to non-payment of balance will lead to penalties along with shipping charges which will be deducted from the advance paid before refund.
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