Free Shipping

We take great care in delivering your products to you through reputed courier service providers. Most of the products are shipped from our warehouse in India, however few items are directly shipped from our vendors.

If you believe that the packaging of the product is tampered or damaged at the time of delivery, please refuse to take delivery of the package, and call us on 7053331057. We shall make our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest.

  • How long does it take for the delivery?

We make every effort to process your order within 2-5 working days from the day it is placed. In case your order is delayed for any reason, we will contact you to inform the same.

Once the order is shipped it normally takes 1-3 working days for delivery in major metro cities. For other locations however, the delivery may take few extra days. For certain remote geographies the time for delivery may even exceed 5 days. Products above 5 Kg might be shipped using surface mode and can take upto 15 days for delivery.

We are not responsible for any delay caused by unforeseen time lags by courier companies in delivering the parcels to customers, or if the customer is not available at time of delivery.

  • Can I have my stuff delivered on a particular day?

Sorry. Our courier company does not accept delivery date requests. However they attempt a repeat delivery in case you were not available in the first attempt.

  • Can I request an express delivery by making extra payment?

We strive to deliver products purchased from in excellent condition and in the fastest time possible. However, we do not have differential delivery options.

  • How much do I have to pay for delivery?

Shipping is FREE on orders of Rs.500 and above. For orders below Rs.500, we charge a nominal shipping fee of Rs.50. However, for some odd shaped or heavy products the seller might add a nominal delivery charge to reduce his cost of logistics. Octroi Charges and any such entry tax would be borne by the customer wherever applicable.

  • Can I open the COD parcel before making the payment?

We apologize, but we do not have an open delivery system at White Tech. In case you have any issues with the product, please feel free to get in touch with our customer care team on 7053331057 (10 AM – 7 PM).

  • How can I track my order?

Your order status is updated to you via emails. We will mail you the docket number and courier company link for tracking your package. If you have trouble reading emails or if you don’t receive updates, you can call us on 7053331057 (10 AM – 7 PM) or mail us at at

  • Can I return the order to the courier agent and take my cash back from him?

We apologize but the courier agent is a third party and will not accept returns or give cash for returned products. Refer Return Policy for details.

  • Does White Tech deliver products outside India?

Currently, Adventure Gears doesn’t deliver items internationally. However, you are invited to make purchases on the website from anywhere in the world and request for delivery within India.

  • My items haven’t arrived yet. What can I do?

Please allow us upto 15 business days for delivery from the day you received the order confirmation. Your order status is updated to you via emails at every step. If you have trouble reading emails or if you dont receive updates, you can call us on 7053331057 (10 AM – 7 PM) or mail us at at 

  • You do not ship to my area. Why?

We are regularly trying to update our delivery network and locations. Presently the locations serviced depends on:

  • Availability of reliable courier partners in your location
  • Legal restrictions, in shipping particular products to your location

You may still email us and we will try to provide you a pickup location near your delivery location.

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